
This section contains a variety of information on the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) such as Public Notices and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Please check back often as information is added to this section of the website on a regular basis.

All IAP claims resolved, Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat closes on March 31, 2021

March 30, 2021

This website is available as an online archive for information purposes only. It will no longer be updated or monitored....more

IAP Oversight Committee Releases Final Report

March 11, 2021

As the Independent Assessment Process comes to a close on March 31, 2021, the Oversight Committee has issued a Final Report on the historic process which provided compensation to tens of thousands of survivors of abuse in Indian Residential Schools. ....more

My Records My Choice website will remain open after IAP ends

January 27, 2021

The My Records My Choice website, which provides information to former residential schools students about their options for their IAP or ADR records, will remain open after the closure of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS)....more

Important message about COVID-19 and the Independent Assessment Process

March 25, 2020

Because of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Canada, the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has taken steps to protect the health and safety of our staff. All of our offices have closed, and our staff are working from home....more

IAP no longer accepting applications

January 28, 2020

The deadline to submit applications to the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) has passed.

The deadline for students who attended most Indian Residential Schools was September 19, 2012.


Reminder: Kivalliq Hall IAP Application deadline is January 25, 2020

December 24, 2019

The deadline to submit an application to the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) for abuse claims at Kivalliq Hall in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut is January 25, 2020....more

IAP accepting applications from Kivalliq Hall claimants

May 16, 2019

The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat is accepting applications to the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) for abuse claims at Kivalliq Hall in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. ...more

Possible Interruption of Mail Service

October 22, 2018

In case of a full labour disruption, the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS or the Secretariat) has made arrangements so that hearings under the Independent Assessment Process can continue and claimants and suppliers who depend on the mail system receive payment in a timely manner....more

99% of all Independant Assessment Process (IAP) claims Resolved

September 13, 2018

The Independant Assessment Process (IAP) is almost complete. Over 99% of claims have been resolved....more

Independant Assessment Process (IAP) not affected by Ontario Court Decision

September 13, 2018

Recently, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice requested that Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro of the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) withdraw from three cases currently before the Courts....more

Independent Assessment Process (IAP): 2018 Update to the IAP Completion Strategy

July 6, 2018

In late 2013, an IAP Completion Strategy was prepared entitled “Bringing closure, enabling reconciliation: a plan for resolving the remaining IAP caseload”. The Chief Adjudicator shared the report with the Oversight Committee and the National Administration Committee (NAC), and then submitted it to the Supervising Courts in January 2014. ...more

Statement by Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro on Canada’s decision on Student on Student (SOS) claims

March 16, 2018

The seriousness of the issues surrounding claims involving student-on-student (SOS) abuse has been recognized by IAP adjudicators since the earliest days of the IAP. Our adjudicators have made thousands of compensation awards to IAP claimants for SOS abuse within the IAP. ...more

Statement by Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro, on the decision by Supreme Court of Canada on the disposition of IAP Records

October 6, 2017

We are very satisfied with the result of today’s decision. We have argued all along that IAP records are sensitive, confidential, and must be protected. Survivors were promised that the details of their most intimate and painful memories would not be shared outside the IAP hearing room without their consent....more

Bringing closure, enabling reconciliation: Update on the completion strategy for the Independent Assessment Process

August 2, 2017

This is an update to the December 2013 report entitled “Bringing closure, enabling reconciliation: A plan for resolving the remaining IAP caseload” (also called the “Completion Strategy”). ...more

Deadline Extended for Reconsideration of Dismissed IAP Claims

July 13, 2017

The deadline to request reconsideration for IAP claims dismissed through the Incomplete File Resolution (IFR) procedure has been extended to June 1, 2018. ...more

FAQs Administrative Splits

March 15, 2017

You may have heard people talking about an “Administrative Split” that has affected some claims in the IAP. "Administrative split" is a term used to describe situations where the classroom part of an Indian Residential School was removed from the direct control of those who managed the residence. This happened at a number of Indian Residential Schools beginning in the 1960’s....more

Claims on hold because of Administrative Splits to be released by March 6, 2017

February 3, 2017

A year ago, Dan Shapiro, the Chief Adjudicator of the IAP, placed a number of claims on hold after the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs instructed her officials to conduct an urgent review of administrative splits....more

Supreme Court of British Columbia sets timelines for Court review of IAP decisions

December 8, 2016

In a decision released on November 29, 2016 and cited as Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General), 2016 BCSC 2218, the Honourable Madam Justice B.J. Brown of the Supreme Court of British Columbia has established deadlines for claimants who wish to have a Court review a final (re-review) decision in the IAP....more

Time running out to submit new information on IAP claims

May 20, 2016

If you filed a claim for abuse at an Indian Residential School, and have not heard about the eligibility of your claim, time is running out to have your claim admitted to the IAP....more

Blott and Honour Walk Clients - Notice to lost claimants

April 7, 2016

The vast majority of claimant first hearings in the IAP will be completed by the Spring of 2016. Over the last several years the Secretariat has engaged in a number of strategies to ensure that as many claims as possible were able to proceed to a hearing...more

IRSAS On Track to Complete Hearings

March 21, 2016

The vast majority of claimant first hearings in the IAP will be completed by the Spring of 2016. Over the last several years the Secretariat has engaged in a number of strategies to ensure that as many claims as possible were able to proceed to a hearing...more

Administrative Split

February 15, 2016

"Administrative split" is a term used to describe situations where the classroom part of an Indian Residential School was removed from the direct control of those who managed the residence....more

TRC Final Report Marks Turning Point in Relationships with Indigenous People

December 15, 2015

Congratulations to Justice Murray Sinclair and Commissioners Marie Wilson and Chief Wilton Littlechild on the completion of the six-year mandate of the TRC, the sister tribunal to IRSAS...more

Accessing Public School Records in Canada

October 27, 2015

In IAP cases where a claimant’s attendance is not established in residential school records, it may be helpful to obtain records from provincial authorities that could establish the claimant’s presence or absence at other educational institutions...more

After your hearing

July 2, 2015

Sometimes a decision can be made at the end of the hearing. This can happen if all the necessary documents have been provided and there are no complications, and if you have a lawyer...more

Group IAP gives claimants a sense of family

June 10, 2015

Many former students who receive compensation for abuse at Indian Residential Schools feel the need for healing during the process and after their claims have been resolved....more

TRC provides path to reconciliation

June 3, 2015

Justice Murray Sinclair and the TRC have drafted a thorough account of Indian Residential Schools in the Commission’s final report...more

IRSAS at Final TRC event

May 27, 2015

Staff from IRSAS will be on hand in Ottawa when the TRC holds its final National Event, May 31 – June 3, 2015. Employees from the Client Services Unit work a booth where they can meet with claimants, provide updates on the status of claims and answer questions about the IAP...more

Improvements in Interpretation Services at IAP hearings

December 8, 2014

IRSAS has recently introduced changes to improve the quality of interpretation at IAP hearings....more

IRSAS seeks Aboriginal organization to engage stakeholders

October 31, 2014

IRSAS is seeking one or more Aboriginal stakeholder organizations to deliver a National Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, which includes a number of activities that are based upon a traditional and holistic approach geared towards the healing and reconciliation needs of former students of Indian Residential Schools....more

Personal Credits deadline October 31, 2014

August 22, 2014

Former students of Indian Residential Schools who qualified for a Common Experience Payment (CEP) have until October 31, 2014 to submit their completed Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form in order to remain eligible for the credit....more

Court approves key elements of Completion Strategy

August 21, 2014

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has approved two key elements of the IAP Completion Strategy....more

Chief Adjudicator welcomes appointment of Independent Special Advisor

July 11, 2014

Dan Shapiro, Chief Adjudicator of the IAP, welcomes the appointment of an Independent Special Advisor to review complaints against lawyers and others who represent claimants in the IAP....more

Chief Adjudicator fights for claimant confidentiality

May 29, 2014

As you may have heard in recent news reports, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice will hold a hearing in July to decide what will happen to thousands of documents from IAP hearings....more

IRSAS investigates possible security breach

April 7, 2014

Respecting the confidentiality of information in the IAP is one of the most important aspects of our work at the IRSAS. We take this responsibility very seriously....more

Court decision on St. Anne’s Indian Residential School

January 27, 2014

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled on January 14 that the Government of Canada must release documents related to abuse suffered by students at St. Anne’s IRS in Fort Albany Ontario...more

IRSAS booth at Truth and Reconciliation National Event in Vancouver, Sept 18-21

September 17, 2013

Staff from the IRSAS will attend the British Columbia National Event organized by the TRC in Vancouver September 18-21...more

Fact sheet on the Accelerated Hearing Process (AHP)

June 21, 2013

IRSAS is introducing an Accelerated Hearing Process (AHP) to increase the number of hearings that can be held each week. Under the AHP, the Secretariat will...more

Important Notice for individuals who attended Mistassini Hostels

April 22, 2013

The deadline for individuals who attended the Mistassini Hostels in Northern Quebec to apply for compensation under the IAP has been extended to September 2, 2013...more

Notice to Indian Residential Schools Claimants about Ivon Johnny

February 11, 2013

The Supreme Court of British Columbia has ordered that Ivon Johnny cannot participate in the IAP in any way...more

Notice to Blott & Company Claimants on the process to find a new lawyer

July 10, 2012

Blott & Co. was the law firm that you selected to represent you in the IAP process. On June 5, 2012, the Court ruled that Mr. Blott of Blott & Co. could no longer represent anyone in the Residential School Class Action. Lawyers working with Blott & Co. were also affected by the ruling. That means that you will probably want to find a new lawyer to represent you rather than continue on by yourself because of the complexity of the IAP process...more

IRSAS Message to Blott IAP Clients

June 20, 2012

As you may know, on June 5th the British Columbia Supreme Court decided that Mr. David Blott and Blott & Company will no longer be involved with the Independent Assessment claim process (IAP) created by the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement...more

Important message for all claimants represented by Blott and Company

June 6, 2012

The Court will order the removal of David Blott and Blott & Company from the IAP. Honour Walk Ltd., the Residential School Healing Society of Canada, and Hands Free Office Services will ...more


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