About the IAP » Admissions Process

Under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, IRSAS is responsible for deciding whether applications can be admitted to the IAP. During the admissions process, the Secretariat carefully reviews your application to determine if it meets the criteria for admission set out in the Settlement Agreement:

  • You have submitted your application by September 19, 2012;
  • You have provided all of the mandatory information;
  • You are eligible to submit an IAP claim;
  • The claim contains one or more allegations which, if proven, constitute a “continuing claim”; and,
  • You have signed the application.

If your application does not contain all of the information required for admission to the IAP, or if you have not signed the application, the Secretariat will request additional information before making a final decision on admission.

When more information is required, the Secretariat will send you a letter requesting the missing information. You must provide all of the requested information within 30 calendar days from the date you receive the written notice. If you require more than 30 days to provide the missing information, an extension can be granted in some cases, if there is still enough time to process the claim.

If your application is admitted to the IAP, the Secretariat will assign a claim number to the file and notify you in writing. The Secretariat also notifies the Government of Canada and the identified church entity or entities that the claim has been admitted to the IAP.

If your claim is ineligible, the Secretariat will notify you in writing. The letter will explain the reasons why your claim has not been admitted to the IAP, outline your options, and indicate the steps that you must take if you want to appeal the decision.

You will have 30 days from the date of the non-admit letter to provide additional information which could make your claim eligible for the IAP. If the Secretariat does not receive a response within the 30 days, the non-admit decision will stand and no further information will be accepted.

The IAP is winding down and January 31, 2017 is the deadline that was established to appeal a non-admit decision. You may request an extension to this deadline by writing to the Chief Adjudicator. The Chief Adjudicator may grant your extension if there is still enough time to process your claim. An appeal is a request for the Chief Adjudicator to review whether the decision by the Admissions Unit was correct. It is not an opportunity to provide more information about your claim.