Multimedia - Videos and PSA's

This section contains videos and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) produced by the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat.


Telling Your Story

March 26, 2014

Edmonton, March 26, 2013 – The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat has released a new video to help claimants prepare for their hearing in the Independent Assessment Process (IAP).
"Telling Your Story" provides claimants in the Independent Assessment Process with information about what to expect at their IAP hearing," said Dan Shapiro, Chief Adjudicator of the IAP. The Independent Assessment Process provides compensation to former students for abuse they suffered at Indian Residential Schools. The IAP was established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement), the largest class action suit in Canadian history. The IAP is a claimant-centred process that supports healing and reconciliation.

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PSA : Lost Claimants


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