Personal Credits deadline October 31, 2014
August 22, 2014
Former students of Indian Residential Schools who qualified for a Common Experience Payment (CEP) have until October 31, 2014 to submit their completed Personal Credits Acknowledgement Form in order to remain eligible for the credit.
As part of the Settlement Agreement, any former student who received or qualified for a CEP is eligible for a credit of up to $3,000 that can be used toward the cost of a wide range of educational programs and services.
Personal Credits are not administered by the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat. Anyone who needs more information should visit the Personal Credits website, or contact the Help Desk at 1-866-343-1858 or 1-877-627-7027 (TTY).
Eligible recipients can use the credit themselves, or they can share all or part of their credit with certain family members, including children and grandchildren, their spouse, and brothers and sisters.
Personal Credits can also be used by certain family members of CEP recipients who have passed away.