
TRC provides path to reconciliation

June 3, 2015

Justice Murray Sinclair and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission have drafted a thorough account of Indian Residential Schools in the Commission’s final report. By shining a light on this dark period of Canada’s history, Justice Sinclair has shown all Canadians the path to reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.

I commend Justice Sinclair and Commissioners Dr. Marie Wilson and Chief Wilton Littlechild for telling the story of Indian Residential Schools with clarity, and for engaging and educating Canadians about residential schools. This report will help Canadians understand the impact that residential schools have had, and continue to have, on Aboriginal people and Canadian society today. The Commission’s contribution to reconciliation and healing will be felt for years to come.

Dan Shapiro, Chief Adjudicator

TRC Commissioner Justice Murray Sinclair presents a copy of the Commission’s report to AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde