Oversight Committee Minutes | August 2, 2007 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
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August 2, 2007 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Name | Organization | Fonction |
Len Marchand | Claimant’s Counsel Representative | Chair |
Rev. David Iverson | Church Representative | |
Bill Percy | Claimant’s Counsel Representative | |
James Ward | IRSRC | |
Jeffery Hutchinson | IRSRC | |
Rosemarie Kuptana | Inuit Representative | |
Ted Hughes | Chief Adjudicator | |
Monique Bond | IAP Secretariat | Recorder |
- Admission of files the IAP:
There was a discussion on issues related to the intake and admission of files in the IAP process.
- Approval of Minutes
Minutes of June 14, 2007 were approved subject to minor changes:
- Page 2:
- Under “Aboriginal Adjudicators” the words “at least” were added between “the ideal would be to reach” and “25%”.
- Under Item 5, the words “low end physical abuse” were replaced with “persistent physical abuse”
The minutes of July 10. 2007, were approved without amendment
- Page 2:
- Approval of Agenda
Two matters were added to the agenda:
- Jim Ehmann’s nomination as the Oversight Committee representative for the Roman Catholic Church entities.
- A discussion of the approval/adoption of CARG policies and decisions by the Oversight Committee (this matter was added but not actually discussed in detail)
- Chief Adjudicator RFP
The screening of the Chief Adjudicator applications is scheduled for August 3, 8:30, in Winnipeg. Interviews will be held September 4 and 5 (tentative). The goal is to have a signed contract by September 12. There is a need to develop interview questions (see models at tab 6 of binder provided by Monique Bond).
- Update on Deputy Chief RFP
- Closing of RFP – Tuesday, August 7th
- Screening August 16, 17 in Vancouver
- Interviews to be scheduled (4 candidates for each region)
- Goal of contracts by September 30
- Questions to be developed
- Update on Adjudicators RFP
- RFP not posted.
- Monique Bond to advise as soon as posted.
- Notice of process sent to Law Schools, Law Societies, Indigenous Bar, Canadian Bar
- Will be open 25 days, not 40 as previously reported
- Recommendation to Oversight Committee targeted for end of October, contracts for early November, training week of November 19th.
- All parties encouraged to try to stay flexible in terms of availability for interview dates
- Update on IAP Plans
- IAP application package was provided for review. Several comments were offered for consideration:
- Len Marchand suggested that IAP application needs to be reviewed for plain language drafting, although recognized that time until Implementation leaves little opportunity.
- Len Marchand suggested that version of application be available as soon after August 20 as possible (should be addressed at next meeting)
- Len Marchand suggested that electronic version be developed as quickly as possible and released as soon as possible.
- pamphlets (tab 5) to be reviewed and comments provided to Monique Bond prior to next meeting.
- list provided of other pamphlets under consideration by IAP Secretariat
- Efforts at staffing continue
- Further thought being given to staff presence in the north – will report back next meeting
- Changes to Winnipeg hearing centre going forward with design being developed. Design work so far has been excellent. Approvals being sought to move forward with refit of hearing space.
- IAP application package was provided for review. Several comments were offered for consideration:
- Update on Focus Groups – Montreal (June 18-20, 2007) and Vancouver (July 18-20, 2007)
- Focus groups were the result of a joint partnership between the IAP Secretariat, the TRC and the NRSSS. The focus groups were held to seek input from stakeholders to develop a plan for implementation of the IAP and TRC. There were approximately 200 former students who participated, including the National Chief (Edmonton)
- Four themes emerged from the sessions:
- The need to enhancing claimant supports in the IAP process
- Addressing claimant needs in the preparation for IAP hearings
- Development of Hearing Centres
- Making the IAP application form & Guide easier to use
- A report will be produced based on the focus group sessions. The IAP Secretariat is also preparing a comprehensive communication strategy.
- Former students will continue to play an important role in the shaping of IAP implementation.
- Other matters:
- LOO3 – hoping most are settled through negotiations
- It was suggested that rules will need to be developed and discussed for calculating top ups, including situations where more than one applies.
- A request was made that Canada provide to counsel list of claimants where “grid” top up applies
- Issues regarding top ups will be discussed more fully at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned 6:20pm