
Notice to Blott & Company Claimants on the process to find a new lawyer

July 10, 2012

Blott & Co. was the law firm that you selected to represent you in the IAP process. On June 5, 2012, the Court ruled that Mr. Blott of Blott & Co. could no longer represent anyone in the Residential School Class Action. Lawyers working with Blott & Co. were also affected by the ruling. That means that you will probably want to find a new lawyer to represent you rather than continue on by yourself because of the complexity of the IAP process.

The Court appointed the Honourable Ian Pitfield, a former judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, to coordinate the transfer of claims and representation from Blott & Co. to other lawyers. He is referred to as the Transition Coordinator.

If you have questions about your claim please call 1-877-635-2648.

Thinking about past abuse can trigger suffering and problems in the present. For immediate emotional help, call the National Crisis Line at any time, at 1-866-925-4419.

Mr. Pitfield wants you to know of the procedure he is going to follow in order to help you obtain a lawyer to replace Blott & Co.

  • If a hearing date has already been set for you, everything possible will be done to preserve that hearing date;
  • Mr. Pitfield is going to identify a lawyer who he believes will be able to represent you fairly and competently;
  • Once a lawyer has been identified, Mr. Pitfield will be asking the lawyer to contact you by mail or telephone, to tell you that he or she has been recommended to replace Blott & Co., and to arrange a meeting with you as soon as possible;
  • The purpose of the first meeting will be to let you decide whether you want to be represented by the lawyer Mr. Pitfield has recommended;
  • If you agree to Mr. Pitfield’s recommendation, the lawyer will ask you to sign a consent to change of lawyer and other documentation such as a retainer agreement and the consents required to obtain documentation;
  • If you choose not to accept Mr. Pitfield’s recommendation and want to go to another lawyer, you are certainly free to do so, but Mr. Pitfield encourages you to be sure that you are making a good choice without pressure from anyone;
  • The lawyer you choose, whether the one recommended by Mr. Pitfield or another of your choice, will take the steps that are necessary to allow him or her to carry your claim to completion.

There are many individuals who think that Blott & Co. submitted their IAP claim, but Blott & Co. did not do so. Mr. Pitfield will be taking steps to submit the unfiled claims of which he is aware. If you know of friends or family who think that Blott & Co. submitted their IAP claim, but who do not receive a letter like this, please ask them to call the Residential School Information Line at 1-866-879-4913 for more information.


Thinking about past abuse can trigger suffering and problems in the present. Make sure that you have safety measures in place to help you if that happens.

24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419 (toll-free)