News Releases and Media Advisories

Search begins for new Chief Adjudicator for IAP

April 15, 2013

Ottawa, April 15, 2013 - The search for a new Chief Adjudicator for the Independent Assessment Process was launched today with the release of a Request for Proposals for individuals who are interested in applying.

The Chief Adjudicator (CA) oversees the Independent Assessment Process, which adjudicates individual claims of abuse related to the Indian Residential Schools system. The CA also directs the work of the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat, the administrative body that manages the IAP hearing process.

The CA position became vacant in February, when the current CA, Daniel Ish, announced he intended to step down once a replacement was found.

“We are very fortunate to have had someone as dedicated as Daniel to guide the IAP through its first five years,” said Mayo Moran, the Chair of the Oversight Committee that monitors the implementation of the IAP. “I have been struck by his deep commitment to protecting the integrity of the IAP so that former students receive a fair hearing in a safe and caring environment,” she said.

The selection of a new CA will be managed by the IAP Oversight Committee (OC). The Oversight Committee includes representatives of former Aboriginal students and their counsel, Churches and the Government of Canada. A selection committee will review applications, conduct interviews and make a recommendation to the Committee on the selection of the new CA. The Committee’s selection must be approved by the Supervising Courts of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

Applicants for the position must have a law degree with at least 15 years at the Bar, experience as a member of the judiciary or in the adjudication of claims, and have significant knowledge of Canadian Aboriginal people and their history, culture and current issues. The mandatory and rated requirements for the position are outlined in the Request for Proposals, which is available on MERX at Candidates must submit their proposals by May 24.

The new CA is expected to be in place by early this summer.


Michael Tansey
Media Relations
Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat
(613) 851-4587 (cell)
(819) 934-1444 (office)