News Releases and Media Advisories
Chief Adjudicator takes action to protect IAP claimants
April 24, 2014
Regina -- April 24, 2014 – Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro has asked the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench to ensure that claimants under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) receive the benefits intended for them under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
Counsel for the Chief Adjudicator will appear in the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, 408 York Avenue, in Winnipeg on Friday April 25, 2014 to seek the Court’s Direction regarding concerns he has about practices of certain lawyers and form filling agencies associated with them. At the hearing, which begins at 9 am, the Court will deal with one of those lawyers and one form filling agency, as a ‘pilot case’. The Chief Adjudicator is concerned that these practices may have deprived Claimants of the full benefits that they are entitled to under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
The concerns that the Chief Adjudicator has raised for the Court’s consideration and Direction are contained in a Request for Direction filed with the Court in November 2012.
The IAP provides compensation to former students for abuse they suffered at Indian Residential Schools. The IAP was established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the largest class action suit in Canadian history. The IAP is a claimant-centred process that supports healing and reconciliation.
Michael Tansey
Senior Communications Officer,
Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat
(613) 851-4587 (cell)
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