News Releases and Media Advisories

All remaining IAP hearings to be scheduled

May 27, 2015

Regina – May 27, 2015 – The Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat (IRSAS) has begun scheduling hearings for all unresolved claims of abuse at Indian Residential Schools.

“There are currently about 4,000 IAP claims for which a hearing has not yet been held,” said Chief Adjudicator Dan Shapiro. “In order to reach our goal of completing all IAP hearings by the Spring of 2016, we are setting down dates for all unresolved claims.” The decision to schedule all hearings was endorsed by the IAP Oversight Committee, which includes representatives of the Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit, lawyers representing claimants, the Churches and Canada.

The IAP provides compensation to former students for serious physical, sexual and emotional abuse suffered at Indian Residential Schools.

Hearings may not be required to resolve all of the remaining claims. Some will be resolved through the Negotiated Settlement Process, while others are likely to be withdrawn by claimants, or resolved through other means. In cases where counsel or claimants have not been able to collect all of the documents required prior to the hearing date, the hearing will be adjourned after the claimant has participated in a hearing so that document collection can be completed. “The most important evidence in an IAP claim is the testimony of the claimant,” said Shapiro. “We want to ensure that all claimants have the chance to tell their story to an adjudicator before the Spring of 2016.”

All claimants in the IAP will continue to have access to emotional support from Health Canada’s Resolution Health Support Workers throughout the process.

The Secretariat has also stepped up efforts to reach claimants who have not been in touch with the Secretariat or their lawyer for an extended period of time.

Claimants who have unresolved claims in the IAP and who have not heard anything about the progress of their claim over the last several months are urged to contact their lawyer, or call the IAP Information line (1-877-635-2648) to ensure that their claims continue to move forward.

As of April 30 2015, IRSAS had received 37,965 applications for compensation under the IAP. More than 84% (31,970) of the claims have been resolved, and $2.789 billion has been paid out in compensation by the Government of Canada.

The IAP was established in 2007 under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the largest class action suit in Canadian history. The IAP is a claimant-centred process that supports healing and reconciliation. It operates independently from the parties to the Agreement, including the Government of Canada.

Mandatory Setting Down of Hearing Dates


Michael Tansey
Senior Communications Officer,
Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat
(819) 934-1444
(613) 851-4587 (cell) or
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